Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I found Rome a city of wood and left her a city of marble.

 Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, first emperor of Rome
27 BC - 14 AD
The heir to Julius Caesar's Rome. Augustus was the Caesar's great nephew and adopted son. After his murder, he fought to avenge his uncle and forced his way into the Senate.
In 27 BC, the Roman Senate granted Octavian the name, Augustus, meaning 'the exalted'. They also gave him legal power to rule Rome's religious, civil and military affairs with the Senate as an advisory body, effectively making him Emperor.
Rome achieved great glory under Augustus. He restored peace after 100 years of civil war; and maintained honest government. Augustus was also a firm believer that the empire was as large it could possibly be for it to be governed justly, and so had no real ambitions of conquest. He believed that his job was to unify all the different societies into one that was loyal to only Rome
Augustus also had an extensive building program which helped to beautify Rome. Some of his more well known building projects were the construction of the Forum of Augustus, the Mausoleum of Augustus, the Theater of Marcellus and the baths of Agrippa. Also, he rebuilt many roads and temples.Augustus was dedicated to the beautification of Rome

He had reigned for an astounding forty years and when he died Rome was at the height of its prosperity. Augustus ushered in a time of peace in the Roman Empire called the Pax Romana( or Roman Peace)
The people of the Roman Empire worshiped Augustus as a God.

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